Thermodynamics States About Energy Conversion
Thermodynamics is the branch of science that embodies the principles of energy transformation in macroscopic systems. The general restrictions which experience has shown to apply to all such transformations are known as the laws of thermodynamics. These laws are primitive; they cannot be derived from anything more basic.
The first law of thermodynamics states that energy is conserved; that, although it can be altered in form and transferred from one place to another, the total quantity remains constant. Thus, the first law of thermodynamics depends on the concept of energy; but, conversely, energy is an essential thermodynamic function because it allows the first law to be formulated. This coupling is characteristic of the primitive concepts of thermodynamics.
The words system and surroundings are similarly coupled. A system is taken to be any object, any quantity of matter, any region, and so on, selected for study and set apart (mentally) from everything else, which is called the surroundings. The imaginary envelope which encloses the system and separates it from its surroundings is called the boundary of the system.
Attributed to this boundary are special properties which may serve either (1) to isolate the system from its surroundings, or (2) to provide for interaction in specific ways between system and surroundings. An isolated system exchanges neither matter nor energy with its surroundings.
If a system is not isolated, its boundaries may permit exchange of matter or energy or both with its surroundings. If the exchange of matter is allowed, the system is said to be open; if only energy and not matter may be exchanged, the system is closed (but not isolated), and its mass is constant.
When a system is isolated, it cannot be affected by its surroundings. Nevertheless, changes may occur within the system that are detectable with such measuring instruments as thermometers, pressure gauges, and so on. However, such changes cannot continue indefinitely, and the system must eventually reach a final static condition of internal equilibrium.
For a closed system which interacts with its surroundings, a final static condition may likewise be reached such that the system is not only internally at equilibrium but also in external equilibrium with its surroundings.
The concept of equilibrium is central in thermodynamics, for associated with the condition of internal equilibrium is the concept of state. A system has an identifiable, reproducible state when all its properties, such as temperature T, pressure P, and molar volume V, are fixed. The concepts of state and property are again coupled. One can equally well say that the properties of a system are fixed by its state.
Although the properties T, P, and V may be detected with measuring instruments, the existence of the primitive thermodynamic properties is recognized much more indirectly. The number of properties for which values must be specified in order to fix the state of a system depends on the nature of the system and is ultimately determined from experience.
When a system is displaced from an equilibrium state, it undergoes a process, a change of state, which continues until its properties attain new equilibrium values. During such a process the system may be caused to interact with its surroundings so as to interchange energy in the forms of heat and work and so to produce in the system changes considered desirable for one reason or another. A process that proceeds so that the system is never displaced more than deferentially
from an equilibrium state is said to be reversible, because such a process can be reversed at any point by an infinitesimal change in external conditions, causing it to retrace the initial path in the opposite direction.
Thermodynamics finds its origin in experience and experiment, from which are formulated a few postulates that form the foundation of the subject. The first two deal with energy: